天津壓力變送器標準,渦街流量計流量顯示不準確故障解決!| |
信息來(lái)源: 流量變送器生產(chǎn) | 2019-05-14 點(diǎn)擊量: 7247 |
天津壓力變送器標準,渦街流量計流量顯示不準確故障解決!西安華恒儀表在線(xiàn)解答:在我們使用渦街流量計時(shí),會(huì )出現渦街流量計在管道中有介質(zhì)流動(dòng)而無(wú)信號輸出或瞬時(shí)流量無(wú)顯示的現象出現,在這種情況下,我們要怎么去應對呢?
Tianjin Pressure Transmitter Standard,Vortex Street Flowmeter Flow Display Accurate Trouble Solution!Xi'an Huaheng Instrument Online Answer:When we use Vortex Street Flow Timing,there will be a phenomenon that Vortex Street Flow Meter has medium flow in the pipeline without signal output or instantaneous flow without display.In this case,how should we deal with it?
First,check whether the circuit connection and power supply voltage are correct.
It is confirmed that there is flow in the pipeline,and it is larger than the lower limit of measurable flow.
Check whether the setting of small flow resection value is too large.
If the circuit connection and power supply voltage are correct,adjust the sensitivity potentiometer and amplification multiple potentiometer clockwise to the end.
If the flow rate is still not shown and the cumulative amount remains unchanged,indicating that there is a problem with the circuit board,the amplifier board needs to be replaced.
If there is a signal output,it should check whether the medium flow in the pipeline is beyond the measurable flow range of the vortex flow sensor.
If the medium flow rate is within the measurable range,the sensitivity of the sensor head is on the low side and needs to be readjusted.
Check the sensor.Remove the two lead wires of the sensing head from the amplifier board,and measure the resistance between the two lead wires of the sensing head and the resistance of the two lead wires of the sensing head to the shell respectively with a multimeter.The resistance values of the two lead wires of the sensing head should be greater than 2M,otherwise the sensor head should be replaced.
If there is no problem with the sensor,check whether the pressure transmitter and platinum resistance are damaged or not.If there is no problem,the damage of the intelligent flow accumulator can be judged.